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The Prevention Resource Center 11 provides a variety of data products. These products include a regional needs assessment, a regional handbook on risk and protective factors and fact sheets on a variety of topics. These data products help identify substance use trends, health disparities, accessibility, etc., which are crucial in understanding our community.


The Regional Needs Assessment (RNA) report is created by each Prevention Resource Center in the state of Texas, in conjunction with the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) every year. Data compiled to produce this report is gathered to provide the state, agencies and organizations, and the community at large with a comprehensive view of information about the trends, outcomes, and consequences associated with alcohol, tobacco and other drug use in the region. The methodology for this report was designed to enable PRC’s, DSHS, and community stakeholders to engage in long-term strategic prevention planning based on current and prospective services relative to the needs of the communities in the State. The information compiled in the RNA will be utilized to build a Regional Data Repository, which will become a regional asset throughout the State. The assessment was designed to aid PRC’s, the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC), and community stakeholders in long-term strategic prevention planning based on most current information relative to the unique needs of the diverse communities in Texas. The RNA represents a summary of statistics relevant to risk and protective factors associated with drug use, as well as consumption patterns and consequences data at the national, state, regional, and local data. At the same time, the RNA will offer insight related to gaps in services and data accessibility in Region 11. PRC 11 recognizes those collaborators who contribute to the creation of the RNA.


The Regional Risk and Protective Handbook is designed to reflect the information presented in the Regional Needs Assessment in a user-friendly format. The purpose of the Regional Risk and Protective Handbook is to inform and educate the community of substance misuse risk factors within the region and protective factors to prevent substance misuse at different domains (community/school, family, and individual) and different stages of development (early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence). In addition, the Regional Risk and Protective Handbook provides aid to adults, parents, and guardians in communication with youth building skills, different drugs information, and local prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery sources in the region. The Regional Risk and Protective Handbook is available in English and Spanish.